Everything to Know Diabetes Effect on Wound Healing

Wound healing in diabetic patient

Diabetes is a chronic metabolic disease often characterized by high blood sugar. The patient who is diabetes positive has organs functioning diversely. This often leads to recovering slowly from burns, cuts, and other minor or severe injuries. Generally, people recover quickly from injuries, burns, cuts, etc., but the case with diabetes patients is not the same.

People with diabetes have a slower healing capacity, and there are some reasons for this slower recovery. The reason for a slower recovery is high glucose levels in their blood, which is triggered by diabetes, and it also affects and slows down their blood circulation. Another reason is the inability of white blood cells in the patient’s body that wouldn’t help them fight off infections and close up the wounds. Moreover, diabetic neuropathy also causes numbness in the affected areas.

This is where getting proper care and treatment for a diabetic patient becomes mandatory because leaving them unattended could lead to leg amputation. So, early detection is important, which you can get through a lab test at home service in Dubai. This will help you understand your condition and take better measures for preventing injuries and taking the right measures if an injury occurs.

How Does Diabetes Affect Wound Healing?

It is mentioned that people suffering from diabetes mellitus are often found with a slow wound-healing process. This diagnosis of diabetes mellitus leads to leg amputation. Moreover, it also impedes high blood sugar, which stops proper healing while affecting the blood flow in the usual way. In addition to this, nerve functioning and improper immune responses also occur through this.

When talking about normal healing, the platelets in the blood prevent the body from further bleeding by forming a clot as they act as a plug to stop the blood from gushing out of the tissues. This is how the white blood cells respond to prevent infections. However, the red blood cells also provide enough oxygen to promote collagen building which becomes the foundation for the new tissues.

On the other hand, the case is entirely different when we talk about recovery in diabetes patients. Diabetes affects the production of insulin, the hormone that converts sugar into energy, as well as the body’s capacity to use insulin. High blood sugar levels prevent blood cells from functioning normally throughout the healing process. This leads to the additional consequences where diabetes affects the healing process making it slower than usual and eventually leading to diabetic foot ulcers. However, the game doesn’t stop at this, as there as more insights that you must learn about before moving forward;

  • Slow Blood Circulation: Blood circulation is slower in people with diabetes. It is because the cells responsible for circulating the blood have remained slower functioning. This slower blood circulation tends to be a deteriorating reason in the feet, legs, and ankles that are distant from the heart, eventually affecting the healing process.
  • Impaired Immune Response: People with diabetes have poor tissue regeneration, which is only worsened by the wound’s fast enlargement. This is due to the fact that the white blood cells in the damaged region travel slowly, which raises the possibility of infection. Red blood cells cannot assist in healing as a result, and the tissue damage worsens.
  • Diabetic Neuropathy: A few researches have been conducted on vascular problems in diabetic patients. This is associated explicitly with neuropathy and retinopathy, and it causes adverse effects used to gauge the severity of the diseases. Diabetic neuropathy is linked to delayed wound healing in diabetes. Moreover, diabetic neuropathy also adds to the numbness that attacks the feet and legs of the patients. It additionally leads to bruising, injuries, cuts, and burns as often the patient is completely unaware of the situation, and the problem arises with no feeling and getting immediate treatment. So, the patient experiences food and leg ulcers.

Tips to Care for Diabetic Wounds

Treating wounds when you are diabetic positive becomes an important step. However, there are key takeaways that you must be mindful of as they will help you take the right measures to prevent the diabetic wound from turning into an infectious disease. Here are a few tips;

  • For diabetic patients, it is important that they should develop a habit of regularly checking their legs and feet for wounds.
  • Another tip is to regularly wash your legs, ankles, and feet with warm water, and this is another measure of utmost care for your wounds.
  • Try reducing the undue pressure on the affected area. For example, wearing loose clothes and shoes is a way to recover.
  • If you don’t wish to visit a doctor’s clinic or a hospital facility, book a blood test for diabetic detection and take timely measures for your well-being.
  • Consulting your doctors is another requisite to follow without delay.

Complications Diabetic Wounds That Go Untreated

Ignoring diabetic wounds will result in further health issues that might be fatal or result in physical impairments. Diabetes patients who have slow-healing injuries are more vulnerable to gangrene and infections. The worst and only option if these disorders are left untreated is amputation, in which the diseased lower limb portion is surgically removed. Here are some of the complications to be mindful about;
  • If diabetic patients leave wounds untreated, it increases the risks of infections.
  • A patient might experience considerable tissue damage.
  • The chances of abscesses and cellulitis increase.
  • The infections, upon getting severe, could also penetrate the muscle and bones, leading to tendonitis and osteomyelitis.
  • The next is the risk of gangrene, another problem that becomes serious without proper treatment.
  • In gangrene, blood circulation is affected because the tissue area is completely ruined in functioning.
  • With gangrene affecting the wound at large, the smell from the wound is sometimes unbearable.

The Final Words

Already a complex metabolic condition impacting the activities of several organs, diabetes. Early identification is even more critical given its painful consequences on your skin, which might result in amputation if untreated promptly.

You may shield yourself from these adverse effects by getting a blood test for diabetes early on and searching out quick management and treatment options. And if you make a few crucial lifestyle adjustments, you can still be in charge of your health.

blood tests at AML

10 Important Blood Tests By Alpha Medical Laboratory

blood test at home

Blood testing is an excellent way to get perfect information and track your health and well-being. If you have a good habit of getting tested at routine intervals, you will be able to track the changes in your body. It will also empower you with the right health and diet changes or to start medication if needed.

It is pivotal to note that some blood tests help your doctors or physicians understand the growth and stable position of your organs and their functionality. Hence, with a blood test performed, if any organ is on the brink of malfunctioning, the test will show you the results. The blood test report you get can be shared with your doctor, who will undermine the markers of diseases and other health conditions. Some markers of diseases show diabetes, cancer, anemia, HIV, and coronary heart disease.

There are many blood tests available for analyzing your cholesterol levels as well as blood counts. Some tests take time, while others give results quickly after the performance of the test. While on the other hand, some tests take days and weeks to obtain results.

Essential Things to Know About STDs

Here are some of the important blood tests that you should know about;

1. Complete Blood Count Test

A complete Blood Count (CBC) is a routine blood test performed to check for 10 different components of primary cells in your blood, including the white blood cells, red blood cells, and platelets. When someone takes a complete blood count test at home, the result will let them know and understand the red blood cell count, hematocrit, and hemoglobin.

When you take this blood test, you should know that it may come with results for different abnormal levels in your blood that include the following;

  • Anemia that indicates iron deficiency
  • Blood clotting problems
  • Immune system disorders
  • Infections
  • Deficiency of vitamin B5 or B12

If there is any sign of these abnormal levels in your blood count, your doctor will order you some follow-up tests to confirm the chances of possible diagnosis.

2. Basic Metabolic Panel Test

The following important blood test is a basic metabolic panel (BMP) that usually checks the level of 8 different compounds in a human body. These compounds include glucose, calcium, potassium, sodium, bicarbonate, creatinine, chloride, and blood urea nitrogen.

When you take this test, you should know that this is performed to check for abnormal levels, such as hormone imbalances, diabetes, and kidney diseases. Your doctor will order you some follow-up tests to confirm the chances of a possible diagnosis.

3. Comprehensive Metabolic Panel Test

The next in line is the comprehensive metabolic panel (CMP). Conducting this test is primarily done to measure the levels mentioned in the basic metabolic panel and some additional substances and proteins connected or related to the proper functioning of the kidney. These include albumin, bilirubin, total protein, alanine aminotransferase, and alkaline phosphatase.

Furthermore, it is vital to know that high levels indicated in comprehensive metabolic panel tests may lead to hepatitis, cirrhosis, liver damage, liver cancer, heart conditions, adverse medication reactions, duct blockage, and abnormal count of red blood cells. Moreover, the low levels point toward the possibility of bone disorders, zinc deficiency, heart surgery, malnourishment, etc.

4. Lipid Panel Test

When someone takes a lipid panel test, their doctor recommends them this test for checking two different types of cholesterol. It includes the good cholesterol, i.e., high-density lipoprotein, and the bad cholesterol, which is low-density lipoprotein.

If the results of this test show high-density lipoprotein, you can set your mind at peace because high-density lipoprotein is good as it removes the harmful substances from your blood and also aids the liver breaks down the substances into waster. However, it will be a concern for you if your results come with low-density lipoprotein because it is the bad cholesterol that plagues arteries and increases the risk of heart disease. But making the right changes in your diet and eating habits will help you curb it.

5. Cardiac Biomarkers Test

The enzymes present in your body are proteins that will help your body accomplish some chemical processes. The functions include breaking down food and also clotting blood. They are also important in your body because it uses them for vital functions. However, when you take a cardiac biomarkers test that comes with abnormal enzyme results, it may indicate Creatine kinase, Creatine kinase-MB, and Troponin.

6. Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI) Test

The next in line is the sexually transmitted infection test which can be diagnosed using a blood sample. This test is sometimes combined with urine samples for further diagnosis. When someone takes this test, the results may show chlamydia, HIV, syphilis, gonorrhea, and herpes.

7. Thyroid Panel Test

When a person takes a thyroid panel test, it is generally to check for the thyroid’s functionality. It shows how well the thyroid performs, produces, and reacts to hormones, including thyroxine, triiodothyronine, and thyroid-stimulating hormone. The functions of these hormones are as follows;

  • Thyroxine is a hormone that is responsible for regulating your metabolism and helping your growth.
  • Triiodothyronine is a hormone in charge of regulating your body temperature and heart rate.
  • Thyroid-stimulating hormone is for regulating the levels of hormones that your thyroid releases.

8. Coagulation Panel Test

Another test equally important for measuring the levels of blood clots is the coagulation panel test. With this test, your doctor undermines how long it takes for your blood to clot. Remember that clotting is a crucial process that plays a vital role in stopping the blood flow after a wound. However, if there are clots in your vein and arteries, you are at risk of fatal results. The clots in veins and arteries wouldn’t let the blood flow to your heart, brain, and lungs, which leads to heart stroke or even worse.

9.  Dehyderoepiandrosterone (DHEA-Sulfate) Serum Test

The dehydroepiandrosterone serum test is a check of a hormone that comes from your adrenal glands. This gives perfect insights to your doctor into whether the levels are too high or too low.

If the results come with too low levels, the person is at high risk of Addison’s disease and adrenal dysfunction. However, if the results come with too high levels, the person is at congenital adrenal hyperplasia, an ovarian tumor, or a malignant tumor.

10. C-reactive Protein Test

The next blood test is C – reactive protein, often called CRP. C – reactive protein forms from our liver when tissues in our body are flamed. The high levels of C-reactive protein because inflammation happens for various reasons, including bacterial infection, viral infection, diabetes-related inflammation, autoimmune diseases, and cancer.

The STD test in Dubai is a process in which our professional nurses and medical staff will travel to your desired location to collect a sample. You can also visit our laboratory for the sample collection process. Our team will follow the Dubai Health Authority’s guidelines to ensure accuracy and efficiency. Here is a sneak peek into our STD test process;

The Final Words

So, when we know that blood tests give a perfect snapshot of your health and bodily conditions. They are also good for catching illness or disease early and show how your body responds to treatments and various conditions.

This is where Alpha Medical Laboratory gives you a chance to get perfect tests through the quality and standardized process being followed at our labs. We have talented medical experts with years of demonstrated experience, certifications, and training, which make them ready for testing. So, keep your health healthy and get yourself tested today by visiting our lab or getting our blood test at home service.

10 Reasons How Lab Tests at Home Become a New Normal

Regular blood tests play a significant role in detecting and monitoring numerous ailments, but finding a lab that could provide accurate results proves overwhelming. The innovations in technology support the health care providers to make diagnostic procedures a cakewalk for the patients.

Laboratory tests are often a part of routine health checkups to look for any minor or significant changes in your health. They also help doctors diagnose different medical conditions, predict disease severity, evaluate treatments, and monitor diseases and their progression.

Routine blood tests are one of the most authentic ways to keep track of your overall physical well-being. Getting tested at routine intervals allows you to see the gradual changes in your body over time and empowers you to make informed and accurate decisions about your health.

Lab tests at home include numerous services, such as a proper checkup of the cardiac profile, HbA1c for diabetes, and many other tests for different diseases. Getting a lab test at home makes it much more convenient for the patient, and this practice offers many other advantages too.

10 Reasons How Lab Tests At Home Become a New Normal

The Lab Testing Service at home aids in solving multiple problems faced by the patients. The categories of patients include:

This is why blood tests at home are becoming a new normal for anybody tired of waiting for their turns in long queues at labs waiting for their turn, for the people for whom it’s not feasible to visit hospitals or labs due to any reason. More patients are choosing to have blood tests at home due to the Covid-19 epidemic, making remote blood collection and testing a standard procedure.

Why You Should Get a Lab Test at Home

Before making a decision, take into account these benefits of performing blood tests at home if you are still debating the more traditional option of visiting a diagnostic facility for a blood test:

1. Individual Care and Comfortable Experience
The diagnostic laboratories use cutting-edge blood test kits that collect a volumetrically precise blood sample on the device’s absorbent tip. For the patients, this method is less traumatic and distressing. When hospitals are overrun with Covid-19 patients today, a lab test at home service can upgrade your experience by providing a more convenient and individualized service at your door.
The best way to receive a personalized lab test at your convenience is to call us. Professionals will come to your home in 45-50 mins according to the agreed-upon schedule, giving you the freedom and comfort to receive the appropriate supervision.

2. Ease of Access
Suppose it takes hours to travel a long way to find excellent diagnostic service. In that case, the blood testing service at home is the best option, rather than driving for hours to reach the labs and diagnostic centers amid traffic congestion. You need a phone and a good internet connection to pick up your phone and book an appointment with your desired diagnostic center.

The level of traffic can be unusual, and it can be beyond taxing to imagine how it feels to use public transportation, drive your car to the lab, and become stuck in traffic. Additionally, the commute consumes all your energy, and the stress level can be particularly draining.

3. A Safe Choice
The blood sample collection service at home is a safe choice and a better option for you and the healthcare providers. The trained healthcare experts who provide the service are equipped with the proper apparatuses and kits. Also, they make sure to follow all the norms put forth by the health care authorities, making sure that there is adequate infection control and no sort of contamination.

The remote blood collection method follows a patient-centric approach. Only a few healthcare providers and diagnostic centers send phlebotomists to patients’ homes to provide lab testing services at home when required. So, to make it easier, Alpha Medical is equipped to send healthcare specialists to your doorstep to collect lab samples at the patient’s convenience at home or office, or any desired location of the patient.

4. Helps to Maintain Complete Secrecy and Privacy
Going hand in hand with the benefits mentioned above, lab testing at home facilitates the collection of blood, urine, fluids, or other samples. It allows you to maintain your privacy more than if you were to head into a clinic to get these procedures done. You are unaware of whom you’ll run into at the clinics. Using this service, you’ll eliminate any worries of bumping into anyone and the inevitable awkward conversation that might follow.

Other than that, STDs have a social stigma attached to them. Patients suffering from such diseases (or other similar diseases) do not like to disclose their disease status and identities to the public. Home blood tests can aid them in maintaining complete anonymity as they won’t come in contact with anybody apart from their family.

5. Fast and Accurate Results
For a diagnostic blood test at home, a blood test can be performed at your ease. The lab test at home service has a proficient staff certified by DHA. Ensuring patient safety, accuracy, and quick results is the priority of the home lab test services. Therefore, any test you need can quickly be done, and the results can be displayed within a limited amount of time to accommodate all who want to treat and cure a particular disease. So, it is a great idea to consider this service.

6. Category-Based Test Types
From performing CBC to many more tests, Lab Testing at home works as an all-rounder. It is not limited to only a few types of tests, and multiple tests have been introduced to mold this idea into practice. As the world is developing, more and more tests are being made available to perform at home. The labs are also making it easy. The sample of the tests is collected at your home and delivered to our high-standard labs. Further, they are tested, and reports are provided to you.

7. Convenience
Clinical trials will always be an essential part of research in every era. Remote sampling provides a convenient sample collection from trial volunteers who cannot visit the trial center for any reason, providing convenience for both the trial volunteer and the researcher. After the tests have been done, the lab reports can be received according to patients’ comfort, wherever they want. This process is enticing to comfort-oriented individuals who wish to save time.

8. Covid-19 Safe
The world has evolved significantly over the past several months, and some changes will persist. As we all know how Covid-19 has disrupted everyday lifestyles, surely we must stay vigilant and take all the precautionary measures. Using a lab testing service at home minimizes the virus’s risk by keeping you at home and away from the people carrying the disease.

9. Helps Calm Anxiety
Many individuals get anxious or feel restless in hospitals and, as a result, can get panicked. For them, visiting a diagnostic center is usually not the best idea. Anxious patients tend to benefit from home blood tests as staying in a familiar environment (i.e., home) can help keep them calm. At home, your loved ones are there for you to motivate you and give moral support. Their existence is enough for patients’ mental health.

10. Helps Save Time for Busy Individuals
Nowadays, having a busy schedule is common among most working individuals. In quite a few cases, such individuals may not even have an opportunity to visit the hospitals if they need a blood test. However, they can schedule a home blood test after consulting with their diagnostic center is a better option. This way, they can get their tests done at home. Also, this process can help save a lot of time.

Why Choose Alpha Medical Services?

Alpha Medical Healthcare Services provides various services to everyone, anywhere, at any time, at your doorstep, offering two options, Sample collection at the lab facility and home sample collection, to facilitate better client services. Our diagnostic tests can be completed at a patient’s house using a lab at-home service.

This service eliminates the need to drive to the lab from your house, saves you money, time, and effort improves accuracy, and gives you peace of mind. Affordable, private, independent, and individualized healthcare is available through the lab-at-home service. Licensed physicians and other healthcare professionals deliver Alpha Medical Healthcare Service. All medical regulations are followed when providing the healthcare service, guaranteeing that all lab at-home service patients receive the most outstanding care, delivered by medical professionals with the highest qualifications, in the comfort of their homes.

The Final Words

In short, the significant advantages of lab tests at home are that patients no longer need to wait long at hospitals and clinics, and the tests can be performed in the luxury of their homes. Also, the scheduling process is straightforward, and the patients get faster results without the hassle of traveling, so they enjoy greater convenience.