blood tests at AML
blood test at home

Blood testing is an excellent way to get perfect information and track your health and well-being. If you have a good habit of getting tested at routine intervals, you will be able to track the changes in your body. It will also empower you with the right health and diet changes or to start medication if needed.

It is pivotal to note that some blood tests help your doctors or physicians understand the growth and stable position of your organs and their functionality. Hence, with a blood test performed, if any organ is on the brink of malfunctioning, the test will show you the results. The blood test report you get can be shared with your doctor, who will undermine the markers of diseases and other health conditions. Some markers of diseases show diabetes, cancer, anemia, HIV, and coronary heart disease.

There are many blood tests available for analyzing your cholesterol levels as well as blood counts. Some tests take time, while others give results quickly after the performance of the test. While on the other hand, some tests take days and weeks to obtain results.

Essential Things to Know About STDs

Here are some of the important blood tests that you should know about;

1. Complete Blood Count Test

A complete Blood Count (CBC) is a routine blood test performed to check for 10 different components of primary cells in your blood, including the white blood cells, red blood cells, and platelets. When someone takes a complete blood count test at home, the result will let them know and understand the red blood cell count, hematocrit, and hemoglobin.

When you take this blood test, you should know that it may come with results for different abnormal levels in your blood that include the following;

  • Anemia that indicates iron deficiency
  • Blood clotting problems
  • Immune system disorders
  • Infections
  • Deficiency of vitamin B5 or B12

If there is any sign of these abnormal levels in your blood count, your doctor will order you some follow-up tests to confirm the chances of possible diagnosis.

2. Basic Metabolic Panel Test

The following important blood test is a basic metabolic panel (BMP) that usually checks the level of 8 different compounds in a human body. These compounds include glucose, calcium, potassium, sodium, bicarbonate, creatinine, chloride, and blood urea nitrogen.

When you take this test, you should know that this is performed to check for abnormal levels, such as hormone imbalances, diabetes, and kidney diseases. Your doctor will order you some follow-up tests to confirm the chances of a possible diagnosis.

3. Comprehensive Metabolic Panel Test

The next in line is the comprehensive metabolic panel (CMP). Conducting this test is primarily done to measure the levels mentioned in the basic metabolic panel and some additional substances and proteins connected or related to the proper functioning of the kidney. These include albumin, bilirubin, total protein, alanine aminotransferase, and alkaline phosphatase.

Furthermore, it is vital to know that high levels indicated in comprehensive metabolic panel tests may lead to hepatitis, cirrhosis, liver damage, liver cancer, heart conditions, adverse medication reactions, duct blockage, and abnormal count of red blood cells. Moreover, the low levels point toward the possibility of bone disorders, zinc deficiency, heart surgery, malnourishment, etc.

4. Lipid Panel Test

When someone takes a lipid panel test, their doctor recommends them this test for checking two different types of cholesterol. It includes the good cholesterol, i.e., high-density lipoprotein, and the bad cholesterol, which is low-density lipoprotein.

If the results of this test show high-density lipoprotein, you can set your mind at peace because high-density lipoprotein is good as it removes the harmful substances from your blood and also aids the liver breaks down the substances into waster. However, it will be a concern for you if your results come with low-density lipoprotein because it is the bad cholesterol that plagues arteries and increases the risk of heart disease. But making the right changes in your diet and eating habits will help you curb it.

5. Cardiac Biomarkers Test

The enzymes present in your body are proteins that will help your body accomplish some chemical processes. The functions include breaking down food and also clotting blood. They are also important in your body because it uses them for vital functions. However, when you take a cardiac biomarkers test that comes with abnormal enzyme results, it may indicate Creatine kinase, Creatine kinase-MB, and Troponin.

6. Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI) Test

The next in line is the sexually transmitted infection test which can be diagnosed using a blood sample. This test is sometimes combined with urine samples for further diagnosis. When someone takes this test, the results may show chlamydia, HIV, syphilis, gonorrhea, and herpes.

7. Thyroid Panel Test

When a person takes a thyroid panel test, it is generally to check for the thyroid’s functionality. It shows how well the thyroid performs, produces, and reacts to hormones, including thyroxine, triiodothyronine, and thyroid-stimulating hormone. The functions of these hormones are as follows;

  • Thyroxine is a hormone that is responsible for regulating your metabolism and helping your growth.
  • Triiodothyronine is a hormone in charge of regulating your body temperature and heart rate.
  • Thyroid-stimulating hormone is for regulating the levels of hormones that your thyroid releases.

8. Coagulation Panel Test

Another test equally important for measuring the levels of blood clots is the coagulation panel test. With this test, your doctor undermines how long it takes for your blood to clot. Remember that clotting is a crucial process that plays a vital role in stopping the blood flow after a wound. However, if there are clots in your vein and arteries, you are at risk of fatal results. The clots in veins and arteries wouldn’t let the blood flow to your heart, brain, and lungs, which leads to heart stroke or even worse.

9.  Dehyderoepiandrosterone (DHEA-Sulfate) Serum Test

The dehydroepiandrosterone serum test is a check of a hormone that comes from your adrenal glands. This gives perfect insights to your doctor into whether the levels are too high or too low.

If the results come with too low levels, the person is at high risk of Addison’s disease and adrenal dysfunction. However, if the results come with too high levels, the person is at congenital adrenal hyperplasia, an ovarian tumor, or a malignant tumor.

10. C-reactive Protein Test

The next blood test is C – reactive protein, often called CRP. C – reactive protein forms from our liver when tissues in our body are flamed. The high levels of C-reactive protein because inflammation happens for various reasons, including bacterial infection, viral infection, diabetes-related inflammation, autoimmune diseases, and cancer.

The STD test in Dubai is a process in which our professional nurses and medical staff will travel to your desired location to collect a sample. You can also visit our laboratory for the sample collection process. Our team will follow the Dubai Health Authority’s guidelines to ensure accuracy and efficiency. Here is a sneak peek into our STD test process;

The Final Words

So, when we know that blood tests give a perfect snapshot of your health and bodily conditions. They are also good for catching illness or disease early and show how your body responds to treatments and various conditions.

This is where Alpha Medical Laboratory gives you a chance to get perfect tests through the quality and standardized process being followed at our labs. We have talented medical experts with years of demonstrated experience, certifications, and training, which make them ready for testing. So, keep your health healthy and get yourself tested today by visiting our lab or getting our blood test at home service.